

It’s not secret I love Iceland, without having been there yet. If Christian agrees we might fly there next year, for our honeymoon :mrgreen:
Anyway, one of the best Icelandic products is music: Björk and Gus Gus to mention some. But my favorite Icelandic band is definitively Sigur Rós.

Hoppípolla is probably their most famous song and can be listened at the end of the trailer for Slumdog Millionaire. I’m not sure whether it’s part of the soundtrack as well since the movie has been released here in Germany just yesterday and I didn’t watch it yet.
Because of my friendship with Danny Boyle I might give this movie a try… No joking, I met him two years ago when he released Sunshine and said a stupid thing like

Everybody thinks that physicists cannot be handsome

I should let him know that

I’m a physicist. I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.

(thanks to The Big Bang Theory producers for letting people know this astronomical truth).

4 thoughts on “Hoppípolla

  1. That was probably one of the best citations ever! And by the way: who are the Radioheads?

    Also on a different note. You know I’ll hate you (I actually hate now, but anyway) if you go to Iceland without me … and don’t dare to ask me to join for your honeymoon ’cause that could end our friendship …

  2. I was almost crying of joy: what we were saying for many years has been finally broadcast to millions of people. We are going to rule the world soon, and then the universe.

    Would you like to combine your honeymoon with mine? :mrgreen:

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